Friday, June 30, 2006
The most fun game EVER.... (for me) :)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Impress your significant other with this recipe....
Pasta - enough for the amount of people you are serving (I used bowtie pasta)
Pesto - Here's the easy part. Don't make it, but it at the store already prepared (it either comes in a bottle or in the refrigerated section.
Grape Tomatoes (small) - cut them in half, but leave them raw.
Arugula - leave this raw as well
Parmesan Cheese - NOT THE GREEN CAN (you know what i'm talking about). Either get a block of it and shave it yourself or purchase it in the container that is shaved, not grated.
OPTIONAL: -Chicken pieces or shrimp (you can add one of these if you don't want vegetarian pasta - I am a fan of the vegetarian version).
-Sauteed mushrooms
Cook the pasta until al dente (or almost done - but still has a bit of a bite to it). Drain. Add as much pesto as you'd like. Right before you serve it, add about 8 pieces of arugula per plate. Toss it lightly so you don't break the leaves. At this point you can add in the chicken/shrimp/mushrooms if you so choose. Plate each portion and add the tomatoes on top of each portion (about 10-12 pieces per plate -- or to your liking). After you do this, add grated parmesan cheese to taste.
This dinner was one of the best dinners I have made yet. My husband doesn't really like the arugula because it's not cooked (he says that there are plants growing in his, but to the sophisticated palate (that sounded snobby didn't it? Sorry!), it adds depth and flavor to the dish. I must say though, don't overdo it with the arugula because it does have a bit of a different taste, so people may not like it too much. Also, I added plain sauteed mushrooms to it (but that's just because I really like mushrooms). Other things that would go GREAT in this dish are sprinkling the individual plates with pine nuts or adding in sun dried tomatoes. Either of these would be great. This is a dish that I call "semi-homemade" because it takes about 15 minutes, but it's restaurant quality. Let me know if you have any questions. :) Happy cooking!
Food by the Calorie
On a little bit of a side note, I had my interview with Evergreen yesterday and it appears as though I did a pretty good job. The person that I interviewed with seemed very positive about me joining the adjunct team of instructors - which I am pretty happy about. I will find out definitely tomorrow, so I will update y'all then! I may post later - so stay tuned!!! :)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The Land of No Leashes
Shawn thinks it's funny that I am so careful about little creatures on the ground. When it's wet outside, I have to look at every step I take for fear of crushing a snail (all of which have the name of "Harvey" or "Harvey's Cousin"). So when Shawn and I go for walks with the dog when it's wet out, my all too common saying is, "Baby, watch out for Harvey. He's trying to get across the sidewalk. Be careful please!". He thinks it's cute - but I think it's necessary! And when one of us does accidentally step on one my common saying is, "Oh no!!! You killed Harvey!!! Bad Shawn!!!"
I know, I know - I am a quirky person. But being quirky keeps life interesting right?
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ugghhhhhh.....I can't wait for tomorrow to be over!!!!
So, I live in the Bay Area and the weather here is supposed to be great right? Not the last couple of weeks. I did not sign up to live in Florida. Now, don't get me wrong, 85 degrees is MUCH better than the 105 degree weather that we were painting in last week. However, the humidity level is at about 60% - which all in all isn't bad - but mix that with 85 or 90 degree weather and it totally sucks booty! I feel like I am in Texas again at TM or training in Florida. I have kept the air conditioning on the whole day. This means that our power bill is going to pretty much kill us this month. Good thing it's only hot here for like 3 months or so during the year.
I know I keep referring to Farscape, but when I am in the heat I feel like it's the "living death". What this means is, Peacekeepers have a condition that if they get too hot, they go into shock pretty much and then they go into a state called the "Living Death". This is where their mind is still alive, but their body is in a perpetual state of dying. It's like being stuck in between a world of life and a world of death. That's exactly what the heat feels like to me. I hate humid heat. This is why I want to move to a place near the beach in California, Oregon or Washington - because it's pretty temperate weather there. I like rain, I like snow, I like Spring weather and Fall weather - but I HATE summer weather. I have been hanging out in the pool quite a bit lately, but not much sunbathing because I can't stand the heat when I am laying there. If I sweat from the heat while I sunbathe, it's really bad - like I said, it's the living death. Enough for now! :) Love you all!!!
Monday, June 26, 2006
It's been a frustrating day
I got my hair cut today. I was thinking about growing it out and donating it to Locks of Love, but have decided that I can't stand it anymore and needed to chop it off. Now it is shoulder length again and layered. I like it - it's very summer-y.
I am feeling a bit discouraged with this whole writing thing. I have so many ideas, but none of which I feel completely connected to. The latest idea I had was for a children's book. Three or four people meet at a summer camp and become friends even though two of the people start off really disliking each other. They are brought together by a mutual friend and the three of them become fast friends. Through breaking the rules and sneaking out in the middle of the night, they discover an entrance into another world (what this world is going to be, I have no idea yet). While in this alternate universe one of them gets kidnapped and the other two have to figure out how to get the third kid back. Once they figure out how to get the kid back, they return to their camp (in the normal world). This is when the summer ends and they all return to their respective homes and wait until next summer to meet up again. This time they are a year older. I have not figured out what is going to happen in the alternate world or what characters are going to be involved yet - but I hoping this idea will take shape and be a viable story line.
What I really want is an idea that I can fall in love with and will be compelled so much to write about these characters that I physically cannot not write. I also want there to be interpersonal aspects to the characters the I write - something deep - something that will connect with people. I have a feeling that I will not product a book for many years to come! But that's ok, it will happen when it's supposed to happen I guess. Until tomorrow......
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Lessons from the weekend
To top off the painting, it was one of the hottest weekends in Placerville. It was 105 degrees - and boy was it a pain in the butt to paint in that weather. So, here are the lessons from this weekend:
-When painting with red, use the gray primer as suggested and don't use white primer, no matter if you think you "know better"
-Paint in medium weather, not cold weather because the paint will not dry properly, nor hot weather because it will pretty much kill you in the process. (If anyone watches Farscape out there, it is like the living death!)
-Try to seclude your dog from the painting area, because you may just end up with a red dog.....LOL!!! Poor Tess Monster, she has a red tail and red paws, but she is fine!
The brighter side of the weekend was that we can finally see the fruits of our labor come to pass. It is so hard living 3 hours from the house we are remodeling. We can't just go over there at a moments notice to remodel - we have to plan ahead of time and make sure we have all of the supplies needed otherwise we will end up at Home Depot 20 times before starting a project. If y'all remember, we are flooring the movie theater this weekend with pergo flooring - pray that it goes smoothly please. Shawn is going to be working his little heart out (as will I, I think - depending on how my back feels), and it would be great if the process happened smoothly. Since we are talking about prayer requests, I was emailed a couple of days ago by a community college in this area, they want to interview me for some classes, which would be great since we need the money. I will probably hear back sometime this week. I hope I get to pick up those classes since they will be new classes (meaning I have never taught them before) and it will look good on my vitae (an academic resume). In any case, both of those need some prayers! Talk to y'all tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I just realized
I was watching the Maury show today and I was amazed! I need to explain though that I don't normally watch talk shows or daytime TV because I think it's a waste of time. But today I was working out for a very long time (a long time to me is about 65 minutes non-stop on the elliptical machine) and decided I wanted to watch TV. What came on really made me cringe. Mothers had brought their 2, 3, 4 & 5 year olds on Maury because they were extremely overweight. Now, I am not talking just 10 or 15 pounds - I am talking a 5 year old weighing 212 pounds and could barely walk. Every mother had pretty much the same story. They fed the kid whatever they wanted and felt bad about saying no. All I could think was, "you are the mother, you say NO". Kids need boundaries, very clear boundaries!!! If you are going to give in on everything, what are you teaching your kid? You are teaching them that they are in control, not you, the adult. Now, I don't have any kids, and don't really plan on having kids for quite a while (I am a Toys-R-Us kid myself and don't feel ready for babies), but I do know that you need to draw very clear boundaries and put kids in their place when it's necessary. The first time a kid throws a temper tantrum, that's it - I would walk away until they were finished and then confront the situation once they decided they were done. My mom did this and I never had another one. I learned at a very early age that I was NOT in control, my parents were and I needed to respect that. I did push the envelope quite a bit, but knew who was ultimately in charge.
Speaking of working out, I am neurotic. I am only teaching a couple days a week right now and have tons of time to myself - thus the book idea (see an earlier post). I kind of have the opinion that I NEED to workout everyday otherwise I am going to get really really fat. I know that's not true, but I can't get it out of my head that I should workout every single day. I used to workout for 30 minutes, and now I am up to 45mins. to 65 mins a day. And, once I up my workout time I can't go back otherwise I am disappointed in myself. I think I am a little obsessive. I worked out for 65 minutes today and think that I am going to do the same tomorrow. My friends keep telling me that I need to slow it down and give my body a day to rest (and normally I do), but when that day of rest comes, all I can think about it working out. I can't just have a day to relax, I constantly think about it. So there's a little tidbit into my workout obsession! I need help! LOL
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The Fidgety yet Supportive Husband
Enough about that, let's get back to the fun posts! My husband is one of the greatest people I know. He is full of patience, love and perseverance. In addition to all of these things, and this is a pretty surfacy comment, but he is also one of the most fidgety people I know. We can be hanging out watching Farscape (the best TV show in the world by the way) and he will not stop moving. He will literally be hanging out and shake his foot, scratch his arm, pet the dog, play with the blanket, move around his pillows, and the list goes on and on. Shawn and I have this very conversation almost every night, (me) "Baby, please stop fidgeting, I just want to relax", (Shawn - with a pitiful face) "Double P, you know I can't sit still", (me) "Baby, please try. Just for five minutes, please. You are driving me crazy". (Shawn) "I will try" - and no more than 30 seconds later he starts to fidget again. It sometimes gets so bad that I have to leave and go into the other room if I am trying to fall asleep. Looking at this from an outsiders perspective, it's kind of funny. His fidgeting drives me nuts! When I want to relax I will lay still and only move when it's necessary. That's how I unwind. He, on the other hand, has to have something moving at all time - whether that be his mind, or his fidgety body. As much as this drives me crazy, if it weren't there I would probably miss it greatly. Stuck between a rock in a hard place I guess. :)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Father's Day
In honor of Father's Day (inspired by a friend)
I am angry... I am angry that you didn't think about the people around you or give them the benefit of the doubt in helping you. I am angry that you didn't call for help when you were having suicidal thoughts! I am angry that you didn't give us an opportunity to reach out to you. I am angry that you were so deep in your depression and so prideful that you didn't bother to ask for help, rather you kept it bottled up and tried to deal with it yourself. I am angry that you took your own life. Your life was intertwined with many...many people who hurt, even two and a half years after you ended your suffering. I am angry that you turned to alcohol instead of turning to the people in your life for support. I am angry that you weren't there for my wedding. I am angry that you didn't stick around long enough to be the one to walk me down the isle, I had to go it alone!
The book adventure
I wish I had something to write today, I don't. I think this is what writer's block means. I don't say that haphazardly rather with complete seriousness......but there is something I am trying my hand at to see if it will work.
I ordered three books today on how to write a great fiction novel. In fact, I have a few ideas that I would like to try my hand at. One of them, the first one I would like to explore is about a girl in her last year of college who is very studious, a great researcher, and gets engaged the summer before returning to her senior year. During the year she plans her wedding while finishing her senior year. She gets some advice from a young married friend from her church who tells her that the best thing to do before you are married is to talk to people at different stages of marriage to see what kind of information they have to offer through their experiences. She the book is going to be about her journey and struggles through her senior year of college (the college thing may change), but more about her preparation of her upcoming marriage. I am still throwing around ideas of what to do for the "major problem" she faces in the book. Is it going to be her cold feet of getting married? Will it focus on maybe interest of a 'new love' of one of the couples sons of whom she is gathering advice from? What is the major problem? I don't know yet. There are a million different ways this story can go. Mixed in with the story are going to be her journal entries and reflections on what she has learned from the people she visits and what she feels about her fiance. Does this sound like a viable story to anyone? Would this be something that people would read? I really want to write something that people can relate to on some level. I really want the fictional character to be developed really well and something people can empathize with and get emotional with. Maybe I am on the wrong track here, but this seems like a cool story to me. I am sure I can get a good 200 page book out of that idea. Any suggestions?
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Shawn often laughs at me and says that I am the weirdest person he knows. In fact he sits back and laughs at me when I verbalize things like this. I will be completely serious when I say stuff like, "my toes are like Pangaea" and it cracks him up. To tell you the truth, sometimes random things cross my mind and I will sit there and debate whether to say them out loud or not. Most of the time I will simply say whatever it is I am thinking because I know it will make him laugh. (I love it when he laughs, it makes me happy). Therefore my toes are like Pangaea! :)
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Tess Monster
Friday, June 16, 2006
Lot's of Randomness
So I met a couple of my colleagues from
Thursday, June 15, 2006
A Dog's Intuition
Today was interesting to say the least – or should I say this morning?
Many people (including our family on the east coast) think that we are crazy for living in earthquake country. But, it’s a small price to pay for the weather I guess. Plus, most of the time we are hit with really small earthquakes that we can’t feel. Actually, after living here for most of my life I kind of enjoy a good earthquake. Sounds crazy, but it spices up life a bit. What do you think?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Performance Review
So today I had my performance review - although in the world of academia I don't think it's called that. Essentially I had a 'senior' instructor come into my class and observe me for about an hour. Then, two weeks later, I met with the instructor to find out what he/she thought. Now, at every college I teach at, it's done a little differently. At De Anza, we meet with the observing instructor - but at
Everything was going ok until - well - until I put my foot in my mouth. I should walk around with a tattoo on my forehead that says "Foot in Mouth Syndrome - BEWARE!" So, there I was, having coffee with the instructor who observed me, and all was well. She talked to me a little about how I had improved since last quarter and how I should just keep on doing what I am doing. I asked her for suggestions and she said that everything looks good and that I shouldn't change anything. Towards the end of the conversation she asks me about a retiring professor at
On a bit of a different subject - now that I am only teaching 2 days a week with absolutely no prospects for work during the summer. Now, I could just sit back and do nothing all summer - work on my tan - and enjoy this time. However, I have been working full time for about the last ten years and don't really know what to do with myself since I have time off. How do housewives do it? I am not asking this to be mean or sexist - but I am truly wondering how people do it when they have long periods of time off? I don't have kids, so I don't really have anything to keep me busy during the day. If I don't get some suggestions soon, I have a feeling that I will be reading away my summer. I have 6 more books I want to get through, but I was hoping to spread those out over the next few months. At this rate I will be done with them in no time.
Until tomorrow.....(or later if I get really bored).......
Monday, June 12, 2006
Saving Money
My husband and I went to Ikea today to get some stuff for the new house. We decided to get wood flooring for the entire downstairs of our house. While we were there we picked up some extra things. Apparently Ikea was having its annual sale today and we got quite a bit of stuff for very little money. Here is the list of stuff we purchased:
2 Rugs 4x6 originally $99each purchased for $20each
4 outside chairs originally $59 each purchased for $10 each
4 bookcases originally $69 each purchased for $10 each