Thursday, July 27, 2006

I know I'm addicted.......but seriously....what's up with the boy figure?

I just saw this picture on the internet of LiLo (for those of you not utterly addicted to celebrity gossip, that is short for Lindsay Lohan - it's pretty sad that I know that isn't it? Oh well - I have lots of time on my hands these days. In any case, here is the picture I saw:

There WAS a pic of Lindsay Lohan here, but it was a bit too racy so I deleted it. (Plus, I couldn't stand looking at her everytime I logged onto my page). :)

Shawn and I have talked quite a bit about this and we both agree that women with no curves look like little boys with boobs. I'm sorry to be so judgmental and so superficial but it irritates me to NO end that women (or girls for that matter.....hello Paris, Nicole, Lindsay etc....) are portraying a body that is soooo unrealistic. Yes, of course I want to eat 700 calories a day, which by the way equals to an English Muffin with no butter, 2 eggs and maybe a Lean Cuisine dinner AND THAT'S IT!!! Not only are women that skinny utterly unattractive, they very much look like 11 year old little boys with boobs (some of them anyway - some of them don't even have boobs). This body image also perpetuates the idea that ALL women must be like this. Now, there are people trying to fight against this, namely the Dove campaign for "real beauty" - but even that perpetuates that ONLY having an extra 10 pounds is o.k. but nothing more than that. What happen to the days of old where women who had a little weight on them were considered beautiful because it meant that they were well taken care of? Or back in 1628 when Peter Paul Rubens painted this:

Look at those women. They were the perfect picture of beauty!!! They have PERFECT figures. Hips, boobs, a curvy waist...what more do I need to say? This is a depiction of a beautiful woman back in the mid sixteen hundreds. And look at the first picture - that is a pic of the perfect woman (or close to it) in today's opinion. Heck, in fact back in the 1980's, Cindy Crawford was a supermodel and even had a tiny bit of extra weight on her (not a whole lot, but at least the woman had hips).

I'm sorry to sound off like this, however, it really bothers me that women are not able to be who they want to be and they have to struggle every single day to strive to be someone they clearly are not. This is not to say that people should be huge and have health problems. I think that a variety of people, shapes, sizes etc... is very acceptable. It bothers me that when you watch even cartoons on TV like the Family Guy you have a large husband, a skinny wife....but what bugs me even more is that the African American couple are both big (both the husband and the wife). What? It's not ok that white women are a little larger? But it's ok if people of other races are? What's that all about? Not only does this cartoon have a bit of weight discrimination, it also has some form of racial discrimination. Not good!!! I hate the fact that little kids are subjected to the daily struggle of people on our society to be something they are not, both men and women, and learn that pattern of behavior at such a young age. I am done now!!! Thanks for listening!

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