Tuesday, August 8, 2006


I got an email last night from the Dean of the Communication Dept. at San Jose State offering me a class that I have wanted to teach for a while. I was thinking about the class (Interpersonal Communication) and wanted to take on the challenge even though I already have a new prep for this semester (Argumentation and Debate). I am trying to only do one new prep a semester if possible since it's pretty labor intensive to get a new class off the ground when you have not instructed it before. Getting back to the point - I got another email from the Dean this morning saying, "Oppsss, I wasn't supposed to email that class over to you". I was a bit disappointed but also a bit relieved. I obviously could have handled it, but it may have been a challenge since I am already teaching a class I have never taught before. So the moral of the story is that I am a bit disappointed, but relieved at the same time. (I did say a little prayer about it the Interpersonal class last night and I am confident that I should not be teaching it at San Jose State this semester).

If you remember, say a little prayer for me. I am getting a bit discouraged about moving. I have not heard anything about the application I sent in to the colleges in the area. This translates into me possibly not being able to find a job up there when we move. I know that God's got a plan, but it's hard to accept when I see no light at the end of the tunnel. Plus, I am having a hard time accepting that I may not be contributing to the household finances when we move (and having no kids means that I will be doing nothing when we move). Although, this may mean that I need to focus on applying for festivals so I can get the toe ring business off the ground. No customers yet, but then again I have not publicized at all. :) Prayers are good!!!

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