Monday, August 14, 2006

The nail that broke the husbands back (or foot)

This past weekend the husband went up to P-ville alone to work on the house. His goal was to tear down both decks (front and back) and that's exactly what he did. In the midst of that Shawn managed to put a nail through his foot - well, not completely through, just through enough to go in pretty deep and warrant a tetanus shot. Today we went to the Dr.'s and we both got tetanus shots and I had my blood drawn. About a year ago my Dr. told me that I had high cholesterol but I never did anything about it. Well, today I finally had my blood taken again to see if I need meds for it or not (I hope not). So, after we were both poked and prodded, we are in ok shape. I will get the results in about a week or so to see if my fate resides in a bottle of pills. I, unfortunately, have family history of high cholesterol - so it is almost impossible to lower it by exercising or diet. But we shall see....

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