Saturday, January 31, 2009

Facebook Status Updates

I have been thinking about status updates for a while, and how people express themselves on Facebook. I came across this article and thought it was quite interesting.

Throughout the day I think in first-person wondering if I can honestly come up with an interesting Facebook update. Most of the time I fail, and simply write what I am doing in the update. I find that if I write down the things I am truly thinking, which would be an interesting experiment in itself, people might be offended. Just yesterday I censored myself, not from anything horrible, but because I knew it would offend people. Should we truly say what we mean on Facebook? How literary should we be on a social networking website? Is it acceptable to post song lyrics when most people have no idea what you are talking about? What rules apply when updating Facebook? Am I reading too much into this? Maybe I have too much time on my hands.

And since we are on the subject.....I have no idea what Twitter is or how it would be useful in my life.

In fact, I 'unfriended' someone who was updating their status through Twitter. This person posted every 15 minutes or so, and I just couldn't take it anymore and 'unfriended' the person. Was that bad? Did that go against social networking etiquette?


Annie said...

Haha - you might be over-thinking it. But ... being someone who's accused of that often enough - I know there's little you can do about it. :) I'm not into Twitter. Not much into Facebook either. And ... as far as I'm concerned it's not bad that you unfriended the person. They were being kind-of pushy, expecting the Facebook crowd to adore their Twitter updates. :) That's what I think, anyway. (PS: I'm not that social.)

Camille said...

ha ha ha! I totally do this..

Anonymous said...

You can request to stop receiving updates from certain people. I've done that from people who update every fifteen minutes.