Here is another installment of Three Minute Thursday.
Ready? Go!
*We are excited and ready for our vacation. I won't tell you when we're leaving for fear that you might rob my house, take my computer, and I will have to re-do the prep for my classes this coming semester. We are taking mostly everything valuable we have with us, except my desktop computer with all of my school stuff. People will be watching our house, but it's best not to publicize when one goes on vacation.
*Speaking of vacation, we will be going to Alaska on a cruise. It should be really fun and we are looking forward to relaxing, when the time comes.
*I am a little anxious (to say the least) about leaving my doggie with my mom since my doggie has been having dizzy spells. None for the last couple of months, but I have pretty sever anxiety issues anyway without something like this thrown into the mix. I will pray, send good thoughts (ahem, take some anti-anxiety meds), and hope for the best.
*My new camera is rockin' AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to use it in Alaska. I hope there is at least one or two good pics I can blow up to poster size and put in our house somewhere.
*I just planted another 10 tomato plants. A bit crazy, I know. But I have a deep rooted love for ALL THINGS tomato.
*Lately we have been avoiding the hot tub because it has been so hot out lately. We have turned off the heater, but yesterday the hot tub was 106 by 9:30pm anyway. We had to bail out about 50 gallons of water, and replace it with cool water from the hose. We might do the same tonight.