Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Fidgety yet Supportive Husband

Last night Shawn read the blog about my dad and immediately said, "does Double P need a hug?" (he is so sweet and supportive). Of course I started to cry, simply because the whole situation with my dad is pretty sad. But I must say I am progressing with the healing process. A year ago there would have been no way that I would have put into words what I was thinking, nevertheless what I was feeling. It has taken a while, but my heart is coming around a bit. I no longer have so much rage in me, rather sympathy and hope.

Enough about that, let's get back to the fun posts! My husband is one of the greatest people I know. He is full of patience, love and perseverance. In addition to all of these things, and this is a pretty surfacy comment, but he is also one of the most fidgety people I know. We can be hanging out watching Farscape (the best TV show in the world by the way) and he will not stop moving. He will literally be hanging out and shake his foot, scratch his arm, pet the dog, play with the blanket, move around his pillows, and the list goes on and on. Shawn and I have this very conversation almost every night, (me) "Baby, please stop fidgeting, I just want to relax", (Shawn - with a pitiful face) "Double P, you know I can't sit still", (me) "Baby, please try. Just for five minutes, please. You are driving me crazy". (Shawn) "I will try" - and no more than 30 seconds later he starts to fidget again. It sometimes gets so bad that I have to leave and go into the other room if I am trying to fall asleep. Looking at this from an outsiders perspective, it's kind of funny. His fidgeting drives me nuts! When I want to relax I will lay still and only move when it's necessary. That's how I unwind. He, on the other hand, has to have something moving at all time - whether that be his mind, or his fidgety body. As much as this drives me crazy, if it weren't there I would probably miss it greatly. Stuck between a rock in a hard place I guess. :)

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