Sunday, September 13, 2009

Confession #7

I read while I'm on the treadmill. In fact, most of my recreational reading is done on the treadmill. I walk 2-4 miles a day which takes between a half hour and an hour. If I didn't read on the treadmill I wouldn't exercise.

Here's something strange - I've trained myself to multitask so much that I find myself getting a bit bored when I only have 1 thing to do. This is why I normally do not exercise outside - it bores me even though I love the outdoors. When I go hiking I must hike with another person. I can't do it alone because I get far too bored with myself.

I can't wait until the beginning of October. I just ordered the first 8 Sookie Stackhouse books, and I'm so excited to start another vampire series.


Anonymous said...

i'm afraid of treadmills. i've seen too many youtube videos!

Carol said...

Yikes - I have seen some horrible videos too, but I'm mighty careful!